Written by: Lach Ravelo

How to Get Better Deals: The 15 Essential Rules for Negotiation


How to get better deals is a topic that could be discussed for days on end. It’s a crowded space with opinions from all over the board, but there are some rules that stand out above the rest.

Have you tried negotiations with a person but couldn’t figure out how to state what you want in an effective way? 

If you answered yes, don’t worry, as this is a common occurrence for many. Since everyone is unique in their own way, you are bound to disagree on something with someone from time to time. 

No one likes conflict, and no one really benefits from it; it only adds tension and causes anxiety to the people involved. 

Therefore, to prevent minor misunderstandings and differences from escalating into massive conflicts, you must develop the skills to calmly discuss matters and reach a compromise that benefits both parties. 

In short, you must learn the rules of negotiation.

If you wish to lead a peaceful and relatively less stressful life, take this article as your first lesson to becoming an effective negotiator. This blog post will teach you fifteen simple rules to make your negotiations more successful.

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What is Negotiation?

rules for negotiation

Conflicts arise all the time. When you and your friend are fighting about what to eat, negotiation can help. You can consider what each of you wants and need to come up with a fair solution. 

Negotiation is about coming to a decision that satisfies both parties involved without hurting either person. That solution is usually mutually beneficial.

Essentially, negotiation is joint decision-making that allows people to communicate their needs and goals — and provides a successful outcome for both. 

If you find that you do not agree with someone, the best thing you can do to settle it is to initiate effective negotiation. You can do this by learning and applying the rules of negotiation in your career, business, and personal life.


The Importance of Negotiation

ground rules for negotiations

Did you know that there are many uses for negotiation in different spheres of life? 

Negotiation allows for the resolution of disputes, whether they arise in domestic or international relationships. 

To emphasize how you can benefit from knowing the rules of negotiation, these are some of its applications in life:

  • If you’re looking to sell your house, car, or furniture, it’s always a good idea to negotiate for a higher price. 
  • If you’re considering buying an item, the same principle applies—you should try getting a better deal. 
  • If you’re a student looking to transfer to another school, negotiating will help you get more financial aid/scholarships. 
  • The same thing also goes if you’re considering moving to a different city because of your job.
  • If you’re an entrepreneur, you can benefit by negotiating better conditions for your lease, sales, legal contracts, and service delivery fees, to name a few. 
  • If you’re an employee, strong negotiation skills will help you pave the way for your career advancement. 
  • Good negotiating skills can help you build your confidence and harness your leadership skills so you can be assertive and respectable at the same time. 
  • And more. 

As you can see, negotiation is art with limitless potential for creative application – and for a reason. 

When it comes to negotiation, the best negotiators can build strong relationships with other people and find a compromise that satisfies both parties. Knowing how to make informed decisions also helps to prevent future conflicts.

Ultimately, knowing how to negotiate can significantly benefit all aspects of your personal and professional life. It can help you with the bargaining process when buying something you want at a reasonable price. You can also negotiate with any of your family members when you have disagreements. 


Skills of an Effective Negotiator

rules for negotiation skills

As mentioned, being a good negotiator will allow you to reap significant benefits in your career, business, and even in your personal life. However, effective negotiators are not simply handed the necessary negotiation skills at birth—they work hard to acquire and enhance these skills over time. That’s why when mastering the rules of negotiation, you must develop these skills:


Interpersonal Skills

Most of us want to negotiate without conflict, but this is not always possible. 

To avoid negative feelings in the aftermath of negotiations, maintain a professional attitude and build a personal bond with the other party. 

Be open and honest about everything and allow all parties involved to express their opinions. Not only will this help you nurture a healthy relationship with all concerned individuals, but it could also prevent any future conflicts.


Planning Skills

basic rules of negotiation

Planning skills allow you to envision the outcome of every negotiation and even prepare for possible problems that may arise. Planning skills also enable you to plan for every possible outcome of the negotiation. It is a way for you to predict the future and minimize potential setbacks on your end. 

Poor preparation is one of the most common reasons why some negotiations fail. If you don’t know where you stand on certain issues, you might have difficulty making informed decisions. What’s more: when you make decisions based on emotions, you may end up making mistakes during the negotiation process.

When preparing for a negotiation, you should gather all relevant data beforehand. Once you have done this, write down your thoughts and ideas. Think about the possible things that could happen during the negotiations. Brainstorm about the other party’s potential objections to your proposals. 

Once you’re done with that step, go ahead and think about the steps needed to reach a final agreement. Finally, practice using your strategies until you feel comfortable enough to use them during the actual negotiations.


Communication Skills

To be a good negotiator, you need to have clear communication skills. This means having the ability to confidently express your thoughts and opinions in a way that the other person understands where you stand on specific issues. You can use your communication skills to persuade others, which will make negotiating easier. 

When negotiating a deal, it’s also important to listen and learn from the people on the other side of the table. Being open with your intentions is an integral part of this. Being firm with what you want and understanding where they’re coming from will help you reach a settlement agreement that both parties can live with.


Strategic Thinking Skills

rules in negotiation

Once you have a good plan in place, you can start to think of ways to enhance your negotiation skills. One way to do this is by leveraging your strategic thinking skills.

Strategic thinking skills are crucial in negotiations. These skills, after all, allow you to think ahead and even help you predict the outcome of one possible scenario, then the other. 

If you can leverage your strategic thinking skills, you can outmaneuver your competitors or even get the upper hand by pinpointing their weaknesses and capitalizing on those situations. With these skills, you may also uncover the best possible solutions to problems even before they arise, giving you a huge advantage in negotiations.


Conflict Resolution Skills

how to master negotiation skills

Negotiations require a great deal of patience since it takes time to develop solutions that will satisfy all parties involved. It is no surprise that negotiations can become heated at times, especially when dealing with someone who does not have the same level of commitment as yours. 

Conflict resolution skills are essential when it comes to negotiations since there is always a possibility of disagreements between the parties involved. It allows you to find solutions that will please everyone and keep the actual negotiation process moving along.

In addition, conflict resolution skills allow you to keep a cool head and not lose your temper even in the most heated situations. It is the best way to deal with problems as they arise so that you can avoid further complications down the line.


Problem Analysis

Being straightforward might be the best way to go when you’re negotiating, but it’s not always possible. Some ideas are not easy to convey, after all. 

Instead, you might need to think outside the box and analyze the situation carefully. This is what successful negotiators do, and this skill enables them to anticipate a variety of outcomes during a negotiation.

When you can identify potential problems before they arise, you will be able to craft a solution that will satisfy both parties in the long run. By analyzing the problem, you will be able to develop a win-win solution for both parties involved.


Active Listening Skills

how to use negotiation skills

When negotiating, always aim to provide mutual benefit in your negotiations. Active listening is the key to achieving this. 

When you actively listen, you consider all sides of a discussion and make sure that everyone wins. Avoid rejecting counter-arguments or dismissing your counterpart’s proposals too quickly to achieve the best possible outcome.

Active listening skills require you to pay close attention and be able to glean important information from what others say. This opens up opportunities that will help you develop solutions that all parties involved can agree on.


Emotional Control

Negotiators must remain objective at all times or risk creating too much stress among the parties involved. 

Being able to identify your own emotions is a valuable skill in negotiation. For example, if you’re trying to settle a disagreement with another party, and you feel like you are in danger of losing your temper, you can take a moment to collect yourself and make sure that your anger does not lead to poor decisions. Staying objective and keeping your emotions in check will help you reach the desired outcome without upsetting the other side.

Emotional control is not just about restraining your negative emotions, though; it also involves preventing yourself from being overly enthusiastic when something positive happens. It entails finding a middle ground between optimism and pessimism, allowing you to plan for future events effectively.



rules and negotiation

During negotiations, it’s crucial to be confident and flexible. Successful negotiators not only know how to listen to others, but they can also confidently offer compromise without losing sight of their goals and needs. 

That’s why when trying to reach an agreement, you need to have a firm grasp on the strengths of your position so you can make concessions without compromising those strengths.

In addition, when you negotiate confidently, you can express your views firmly, thus allowing your side’s voice to be heard and ultimately helping to reach a solution that benefits all parties. 

Failure to confidently express your views and beliefs will most likely result in an optimal solution that can only benefit one party. 


Collaboration and Teamwork

Working well with a team is essential for negotiation success, but that shouldn’t mean playing into a “group-think” approach. When brainstorming with your colleagues, it’s equally important to take a step back and listen to the other perspectives around the table. These differing points of view can mean the difference between creating a solid proposal or handing over a flimsy, half-baked idea that loses time and money.

It’s in everyone’s best interest to work together. When you do, you’ll come up with a solution that prevents disputes and benefits everyone. You won’t just find a more workable solution, but you’ll also avoid fixating on one idea.


Rules for Effective Negotiation

Negotiation is a crucial business skill. Yet most people aren’t very good at it. 

They’re either too aggressive or too passive, which means that they either end up with far less than they should or spend far more than they should. That’s where these rules of negotiation come in and how to go about negotiation with confidence.


Nothing is really off the table.

The first rule you must learn is this: Never assume that anything is off the table. 

This doesn’t mean that you can always get whatever you want or win every negotiation. Keep in mind that everything and anything is pretty much negotiable. You just need to find the right space for it. 


Establish and maintain a sense of trust.

The second rule to learn is establishing and maintaining a sense of trust with the person you are negotiating with. This allows both parties to feel more confident about sharing information, asking questions, and sharing ideas. When this happens, it will be much easier to reach negotiation success.


Look at the big picture.

simple rules for negotiation

When negotiating, it is crucial to look at the big picture, not nit-pick minor details. This will allow both parties to come together and find an area that they can agree on. They can then tackle any other issues that might arise later.

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Seek a mutually beneficial solution.

The fourth rule of negotiation is to seek a mutually beneficial solution that will satisfy both parties equally. It’s important to remember that compromise is necessary for a deal to be reached, so don’t hold on too hard to an idea; you may need to give up something to get something in return. 


Listen and consider the other party’s needs and desires.

Take the other party’s views into consideration and try to find a solution that will work for both. If you do this, chances are your negotiation partner will be more willing to listen to your needs and wants when it’s time for you to voice them as well. 


Be honest and ethical.

Next is for you to be honest and ethical with the person you are negotiating with. That’s why you need to keep an open communication from the beginning of negotiations. You should also let them know when you are in agreement or disagreement. 

Then, both parties can clearly understand what needs to be done and how they can accomplish it. This does not mean that you need to come right out and say, ‘I want this,’ but rather give them a hint by saying something like, ‘it would be nice if….’ 

The negotiation will go a lot smoother if you can maintain an open, honest and ethical manner.


Know your options.

improving negotiation skills rules for master negotiators

Before accepting any deal, make sure that it is something that you know you can live with and that it will not hurt your business or career in the future. That’s why you need to be aware of potential outcomes before you go into any negotiations with another individual or entity. 

The best way to do this is by brainstorming multiple options so you can request concessions from other parties, especially if they are unreasonable or if the deal is not to your liking.


Keep quiet.

The eighth rule of a successful negotiation is to keep quiet until it’s time to talk about your own needs, wants, and demands. You do not want to start getting into the details too soon because that can scare other parties away. 

If you wait until talks have reached an advanced stage, then you will be able to get more for your business or career as far as concessions go. Having a good poker face is one of the things that makes this rule work.


The more you know, the more you will get.

rules for effective negotiation

Keep in mind that when it comes to negotiations: the more you know, the more you will get. This is true for many reasons, but most importantly, it gives you valuable bargaining power

Whenever some new details or facts arise during negotiation, always aim to be the first person to share them with your counterpart and ask if they’re willing to discuss what impact they may have on the other party’s proposal.  


Know your bottom line before you start negotiating.

When you start a negotiation without knowing your bottom line, it leaves you in a vulnerable position that the other party can easily exploit.

So before entering into any negotiation, you should know exactly what you want and how far you are willing to get it. You don’t have to be inflexible about this, but an excellent place to start is with a specific number in mind.  Knowing your bottom line will help you determine what concessions are reasonable, when to compromise and when to walk away from the table. 

If you know exactly what it is that you want, then it will be a lot easier for you to improve upon your current position instead of giving up on something meaningful just for the sake of getting a deal done.


Ensure that your counterpart has the authority to negotiate.

Never begin negotiating with someone who does not have the final say on what transpires. 

If you are looking at scheduling a meeting to discuss an important matter, be sure to confirm this information beforehand before you spend the time and money to meet with them.  You do not want to waste your time or money on someone who does not have the power to commit their company or organization to an outcome.


Never get too emotional when negotiating.

key rules for negotiation

When you’re in the midst of a negotiation, you must remain calm and avoid getting overly excited or angry about any given situation. This will only serve to cloud your judgment and make you less effective at reaching an agreement.  It is also important to remember that your counterpart has the same emotions just as you do.  


Use the power of “No” wisely.

rules to negotiation

Negotiating is a delicate game. The last thing you need is to lose control over the conversation by saying yes to everything proposed.

Saying “yes” to every request made by another party could lead to losing out on future opportunities.

So use the word ‘no’ wisely.

When you hear yourself agreeing to almost anything, stop right there! Take a step back and think about whether this sounds like a fair offer. Then take a moment to consider why you agreed to such terms.

Was it simply because you were afraid to appear rude or pushy?


Be prepared for delays or even rejection – and be comfortable with both situations.

Aside from having a general idea of what you want, you also need to anticipate not getting your way all the time, which is why it’s essential to prepare for delays or even rejection. If you know that your counterpart can say “no,” then you will be comfortable if this does end up happening and can handle it well.


Don’t start negotiating until you know what you want.

Negotiating is all about asking for what you want and getting it in return. So, first things first – decide on what you want. The more precise your goal is, the better off you’ll be during the process.

Knowing what you want will help you negotiate more effectively. You can then move forward into the actual bargaining phase of the discussion. 


Rules for Negotiation: All Your Questions Answered

Why should you negotiate?

Three simple reasons: You want something from the other side and are willing to give something in return. You want to find out whether there’s anything else you could offer that would benefit both parties. And finally, you’re trying to resolve some kind of conflict between two parties. 


How long should I wait before offering counter-proposals?

The answer depends on several factors, including how much value each person places on their respective positions, the relative strength of the positions held by the opposing sides, and the nature of the deal itself.


How long should I plan for negotiations?

The length of planning depends entirely on how much preparation you’ve already put into the issue. 

For example, if you’ve been thinking about the problem for months, you may decide to set aside several days to work through the details. On the other hand, if you haven’t thought about it very deeply yet, you might simply send off a quick email saying “I’m interested” and see where things go from there. 


What drives bargaining power?

golden rules for negotiation

Bargaining power comes down to three main components: knowledge, skills, and resources. 

Knowledge refers to information—what you know about the subject matter under discussion. 

Skills refer to your ability to communicate effectively and persuade others. 

Resources include money, influence, and connections. 

These elements combine to determine who holds the upper hand during a negotiation. In most cases, one party will possess more than one element of bargaining position than the other. 


How long should the negotiation process last?

It varies depending on the situation. 

Generally speaking, however, the longer the time frame, the less likely it is that either party will come away with everything they want. This is because people tend to get tired after extended periods of talking and listening. If you have an important deadline looming, try to keep discussions short to avoid losing momentum and avoid burning yourself out.


What is a compromise approach?

why negotiation is important

This approach involves both parties conceding part of their original terms to settle for a less beneficial solution. This can be done by agreeing to disagree or by finding a middle ground. 

Negotiation outcomes through the compromise approach often involve giving away something valuable in exchange for something less desirable. They also allow people to avoid having to admit defeat when faced with seemingly insurmountable differences.


What are the benefits of collaborative negotiation?

Collaborative negotiation allows negotiators to reach agreements without resorting to threats or ultimatums. It encourages all participants to take responsibility to reach a compromise instead of blaming someone else for not agreeing. 

Collaboration also helps build trust among different groups because everyone feels like they have contributed to the outcome. Finally, collaboration builds relationships within organizations as well as across organizational boundaries.


What is a win-win approach?

A win-win approach means that both sides get what they want out of the deal. The best way to achieve this goal is to find ways to make concessions on either side so that neither person loses anything significant. A win-win negotiation usually requires some give and take between two opposing positions. However, sometimes these types of deals don’t always come together. 


Why do you need to prepare before negotiating?

When you know exactly where you stand, you can focus on building rapport with the other person and presenting yourself in the best possible light. Adequate preparation also makes you aware of potential pitfalls and avoids embarrassing mistakes. In addition, it gives you more confidence during negotiations.

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what negotiation means

Negotiation is an effective method of settling differences between parties with opposing views and goals, resulting in a conclusion that provides mutual benefit for all. Although there are many approaches to negotiate, each one offers its own set of advantages depending upon your situation. By understanding how others think and act, you will gain insight into how to effectively use various strategies to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution.

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